About Find Your Fav
Find Your Fav is nothing short of a passion-fueled labor of love. I created the site in 2007 after spending many hours figuring out how I could be a part of something that I found incredibly magical and fulfilling - the music world. I was lucky and I met many kind musicians and actors early on in my journey who graciously agreed to be interviewed by an unknown but passionate writer in Seattle. I was also lucky enough to have a lot of people say "no" to me, because every no I received made the yes's that much more valuable and inspiring.
I feel really grateful and excited that two talented people joined the Find Your Fav family in 2018. Antoine Fougere and Claire Conway, two talented and passionate photographers that inspire me every day. They really love what they do and I think you will notice that when you look at their work.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope that you find something here that means a lot to you, like it does to us.
- Kristina Valencia
March 29, 2019.
Kristina with Marc Scibilia. 2016. Photo by Benjamin Trudeau.
Antoine. 2019.
Claire. 2019.